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█████ Spitfire Support
█████ Path: \SPITFIRE
2NDMSGOP.ZIP [0] Second Message Menu Option
| Program And Text to Assist Sysops to
| Add A Second Sysop Configurable Menu
| Option To Your Message Menu In SF!
| -=- Free NetMailWare -=-
BFMAIL21.ZIP [0] ┌─────────────────────────────────────────┐
| ├─────────────────────────────────────────┤
| │ The BEST bulletin maker program ever for│
| │ your MAIL RUNS! Creates NICE LOOKING │
| │ ANSI/ASCII screens! Easy Sysop config! │
| │ Fast and Simple to use! Rated #1 by my │
| │ Beta Testers! A must for all SPITFIRE │
| │ Sysops! Can run as a SYSTEM EVENT! Now │
| │ supports up to 6 Echos! │
BFMFIX.ZIP [0] LastMail - BUG FIX for BFMAIL v1.1
| If you are using this utiltiy...
| Replace The LASTMAIL.EXE with this
| new EXE file! It will solve the
| problem with the display screen!
BFPAGE21.ZIP [0] ┌────────────────────────────────────┐
| │ The Blue Force Sysop Multi-Utility │
| │ ---------------------------------- │
| │ BFPAGE++ Version 2.1 │
| │ ---------------------------------- │
| │ This GREAT program will turn on/off│
| │ the following node items, all with │
| │ one single command line and will │
| │ also create a nice ANSI/ASCII │
BFSTAT11.ZIP [0] ┌─────────────────────────────────────────┐
| ├─────────────────────────────────────────┤
| │ This is a GREAT statistics bulletin │
| │ maker for SPITFIRE BBS'. The program │
| │ will read your callers.log and produce │
| │ a great looking, easy to read, bulletin │
| │ in ASCII and ANSI! Setup is simple! │
| │ This program can run as an event. │
CDELETE.ZIP [0] CDRom Delete!!! Delete those files
| that Spitfire copies into the CDROM
| directory under the WORK directory
| when the caller drops carrier or
| when the electric company fails!
CENFILE.ZIP [0] Personal File Door Written For Spitfire BBS
| Systems. Will Send Anyone A FIle If You Know
| The Name, They Do Not Need To Be In SFUSERS.
| Should Work With Any Comport Set up, Very
| Easy To Use And Install. Share Ware But Not
| Crippled And No Nag Screens. Enjoy!
DLINE22.ZIP [0] DATELINE 2.2 Calendar bulletin maker for any
| Generates RIP, ANSI and ASCII bulletins, upda
| by deleting outdated entries. Contains a bui
| feature for easy monthly planning.
EZ-HELP.TXT [0] Troubleshooting EZ-ROM cd door by Mike
EZCHK100.ZIP [0] ┌───────────────────────────────────┐
| │ EzCheck 1.00 (c) Michael Niekut │
| │ intented for use with EZROM 1.30h │
| ├───────────────────────────────────┤
| │ EzCheck checks if there is a rea- │
| │ son (FileRequest) to start EZREQ. │
| │ If there is a reason you can │
| │ start EZREQ automaticaly. Have a │
| │ look a see how useful 1 KB can be │
FAXSETUP.TXT [0] Spitfire and the Infotel 14.4 data/fax modem,
| using the FAX features.
FFSU_803.ZIP [0] FireFox Setup Utility version 0.08.03
| Main program to configure and setup all
| the FireFox programs.
FFTP_804.ZIP [0] FireFox .TIC-file Processor version 0.08.04
| The main TIC processor.
| Gives 100% support for Spitfire as HUB.
| Needs FireFox Setup Utility 0.08.02.
FS-20.ZIP [0] FILESTAT v2.0 SFFILES.BBS Utility for
| SF 3.5+. Appends File Descriptions With
| Number of Files Inside Each ZIP/ARJ File,
| Oldest & Newest File Dates Based On Date
| Of Actual Files Inside the Archive. Does
| NOT Use the Archive Date Itself!
GH113C.ZIP [0] ╒═[ GHeader ver1.13c Spitfire Util ]═╕
| │ A great Spitfire Utility designed │
| │ to create FILST<x> & MGLST<x>, │
| │ an All Files Listing, and Headers │
| │ for your SFFILES.BBS files. Works │
| │ with Spitfire 3.5 and easy to use. │
| │ **Free** Written By Lon E. Green │
| ╘════════════════════════════════════╛
ICOMSF35.ZIP [0] This is an Intellicom BIF file for
| Spitfire v3.5 and Lakota v1.4. I tested
| it successfully on Buffalo Creek BBS.
| It will need to be modified if you are
| using JetMail. The BIF included in the
| Intellicom distribution files for SF 3.4
| do not work properly with current setups.
| │ Version 1.4 - Small & Fast │
| ╘═══════════════════════════════════╛
MASTER10.ZIP [0] ┌───────[ NEWS MASTER V1.0 bETA ]──────────┐
| │ News Bulletin generator for Spitfire, RA,│
| │ Wildcat and others. Creates ANSI/ASCII │
| │ news bulletins. 3 Formats to choose from │
| │ Fast and easy to use and setup. Uses your│
| │ favorite text editor. Allows you to add │
| │ a header to your news files. │
MGLST301.ZIP [0] Sfmglst V3.00
| A Spitfire Message Base Display File Generato
MKSF_301.ZIP [0] =-= MKSFList Version 3.01 =-=
| SF Area List/File List/Header Creator
| Generates:
| ■ FILST<sec>.BBS/CLR
| ■ MGLST<sec>.BBS/CLR
| ■ SFFILES.BBS Headers
| 3 Types Currently, More To Come!
| ■ Complete File Listing, W/Appropriate
| Security Switches.
NSTAT14.ZIP [0] NETSTAT v1.4 Network Mail Bulletin
| Generator. Reports Last 'Good' Run
| Date/Time/Imports/Exports. Supports
| SHILOH! Can also be used with other
| network software as well. Support for
| other network software and tossers will
| be added as requested.
PICK3.ZIP [0] Pick Three Gamble Your Log On Time Door For
| Spitfire BBS Systems. Very Easy To Set Up
| And Play. Should Work On Almost Any Com
| Set Up. Share Ware But Not Crippled. Enjoy!
PREMADE2.ZIP [0] EZROM/SFROM Config files for 53 discs
SEELIST1.ZIP [0] SEELIST v1.0 Another Spitfire
| utility by 2GUYS Software!!!
| Do you like to keep track of the
| users that call your BBS and your
| CALLERS.LOG is just too long to read
| everyday. Then try this, it makes a
| log file of the name of the user and
| the date the called on.
| ║ This is Part Three of an ongoing ║
| ║ QUESTIONS library! ║
| ║ If you have a question relating ║
| ║ to SPITFIRE or it's third party ║
| ║ utilities, check this file first, ║
| ║ as MIKE WOLTZ and others may have ║
| ║ already answered your question ║
| ║ previously to another SysOp with ║
SF-SUBS.ZIP [0] ≡≡≡ The Spitfire Subscription Door ≡≡≡
| A door written for SPITFIRE where the
| Sysop can except credit cards online
| for subscriptions! Completely Sysop
| configurable. Set cost, security
| level, and time online.
SF01-95.ZIP [0] ╔═══════════════════════════════╗
| ║ SPITFIRE Support Newsletter ║
| ║ "Keeping In Touch" ║
| ║ January 1995 ║
| ╚═══════════════════════════════╝
SF11-94.ZIP [0] ╔═══════════════════════════════╗
| ║ SPITFIRE Support Newsletter ║
| ║ "Keeping In Touch" ║
| ║ November 1994 Issue ║
| ╚═══════════════════════════════╝
SF12-94.ZIP [0] ╔═══════════════════════════════╗
| ║ SPITFIRE Support Newsletter ║
| ║ "Keeping In Touch" ║
| ║ December 1994 Issue ║
| ╚═══════════════════════════════╝
SF35BK24.ZIP [0] ╔═════════>SF35BACK v2.4<══════════╗
| ║ Uses PKZIP. Can be run as Event, ║
| ║ or Manually. ║
| ║ International Date Format and ║
| ║ Path Configurable. "Audio Alert" ║
| H for Backup/Restoration Complete. H
| O Reports Viewer. This version O
| N uses the DOS SET variable for N
| E more reliable backup config. E
SFCHARGE.ZIP [0] SF-CHARGE v1.1 { Spitfire BBS's Only! }
| This Door used in conjunction with
| Dragon Business Services, Inc. Will Allow
| You to take Master Card, Visa, American
| WITHDRAWS, orders on your BBS! If you want
| to make money on your bbs, check this out!
| Very Powerful, Friendly Program.
SFCMB15.ZIP [0] SFCMB v1.5 Spitfire Clean Message Base.
| Cleans up your message base by searching
| for offensive, profane, or unwanted text.
| Searches Message Body, TO:, FROM:, and
| SUBJECT: fields in the header. Option to
| either flag for deletion, or mask the
| unwanted text. Can use optional
| sysop-created word list.
SFDFC11.ZIP [0] ╒════════════════════════════════════╕
| │ SFDFC v1.1 * Released 12/27/94 │
| │ SPITFIRE Duplicate File Checker │
| │ Builds Database Of Online Files, │
| │ CD-Rom, Or Tape Doors * Use As │
| │ As A CRC Checker To Prevent And │
| │ Find Duplicate Files On A SF BBS │
| │ FREEWARE By Richard Lemaster │
| ╘════════════════════════════════════╛
SFDNLST2.ZIP [0] SFDNLST v2.0 for SpitFire BBS's will make a
| list of new files since a specific date
| for callers to download... It offers the
| option for the caller to have the list zipped
| or arj'd first. They can also view the list
| before downloading it. Very colorful and
| unique... The protocols are totally
| configurable by the sysop!!!
| For SpitFire version 3.5 only.
SFDRLK12.ZIP [0] ╓─[ DoorLock v1.2 ]─────────────╖
| ║ Lock Anyone Out Of Any Door, ║
| ║ Plus Give Them The Reason Why!║
| ║ Can Be Used For More Than One ║
| ║ Door. For Spitfire v3.5+. Easy║
| ║ To Use And Setup. Has Split ║
| ║ Screen Chat Mode And Other ║
| ║ Sysop Functions. ║
SFEM1000.ZIP [0] ╔═══════════ SFE-mail v1.0 ════════════╗
| ║ ║
| ║ ■ Complete Internet e-mail solution ║
| ║ for Spitfire 3.x ║
| ║ ■ No UUCP account needed! ║
| ║ ■ International faxing via Internet ║
| ║ ■ Seamless integration with SF ║
| ║ ■ VERY EASY to set up and run ║
SFEMB043.ZIP [0] »» SF Enhanced Message Base, 0.43 ««
| Message Queue Support! Intelegent
| Echomail Route Guessing! This is the
| best full screen message base for SF!
SFFAM214.ZIP [0] ╔════════════ SF-FAM 2.14 ═════════════╗
| ║ Spitfire 3.5 File Area Manager ║
| ║Includes complete SFFAREA.DAT editor. ║
| ║Support for multi-node,CDROM,offline ║
| ║files,moving,copying,editing,sorting. ║
| ║Can run as an event, and utilize the ║
| ║FILE_ID.DIZ and DESC.SDI files. All ║
| ║this and much,much MORE! ║
| ╚══════════════════════════════════════╝
SFLIST.ZIP [0] ┌────────────── SFLIST V1.00 ──────────────┐
| │ Spitfire Door that will create a list of │
| │ files available for download from your │
| │ BBS! Security level aware and will work │
| │ for either Spitfire Versions 3.4 or 3.5! │
| │ Not crippled or nagged in any way! │
| └────────── $5.00 Registration! ───────────┘
SFLST107.ZIP [0] ┌──[ A SPITFIRE UTILITY ]──────────────────┐
| │ File List & Bulletin Generator! Ver. 1.07│
| │ Supports CD-ROMS, Multi-Line Descriptions│
| │ including unlimited in Spitfire v3.5. │
| │ ZIP/ARJ for a few compression programs │
| │ and includes files/logos inside created │
| │ filelist and much, much, more. │
| └──────────────────────────────────────────┘
SFLTC13.ZIP [0] ╒═════════════════════════════════════╕
| │ SFLTC Version 1.03 │
| │ SpitFire Last Ten Callers │
| │ Display Maker │
| ╞═════════════════════════════════════╡
| │ ■ Ultra Fast Execution │
| │ ■ Sysop Configurable Colors │
| │ ■ Security Level Exclusions │
| │ ■ Low cost registration │
| │ │
SFMKMSG1.ZIP [0] ______-----[ SFMKMSG v1.0ß ]-----______
| Tired of always going to all the BBS Ads
| sections on your BBS And Entering Your Ad?
| Well Then This Utility Is For You! SFMKMSG
| Will Automatically Enter a Message In A
| Spitfire Conference As An Event! By: AZ2
SFMSGSNP.ZIP [0] ╒═[ SFMSGSNP v1.0 ]═════════════════╕
| │ Set All Messages In A Specified │
| │ Conference As Non-Public │
| ╘════════[ Buffalo Creek Software ]═╛
SFNL-94.ZIP [0] Spifire Support Newsletters for 1994
SFNNODE.LST [0] SFNet Node List November 15, 1994
SFNOTICE.ZIP [0] ╒═╕╒═╕ ╒╕╤╒═╕╒╤╕╤╒═╕╒═╕ VERSION 1.0
| ╘═╕╞═ ││││ │ │ ││ ╞═ PARASOFT (c)
| ╘═╛╧ ╧╘╛╘═╛ ╧ ╧╘═╛╘═╛ 1994
| Notice Generator for SPITFIRE. Will make
| nearly all of your display screens for
| your BBS. Features word wrap, two 3D
| and two standard style ANSI screens to
| choose from. Four border styles or no
| borders to choose from. Colors are
| configurable from the config file and
SFNTC095.ZIP [0] SF Notice Beta release 0.95ß. Creates many of
| display screens for your SPITFIRE BBS. Beta
| testers are welcomed. Choose 4 borders or no
| borders and plain or 3D screens with 2 styles
| screens for a total of 17 color screens. And
| text or 2 ascii bordered screens (choice of
| borders) for a total of 9 ascii screens.
| This will be the final Beta release. Check it
| and send in your input.
SFNW10.ZIP [0] *** SF Node Watch ***
| Displays activity of all
| nodes on 1 screen. Includes
| source code. FREEWARE
SFONE74.ZIP [0] ╓─[ Oneliner v7.4 ]──────────────────╖
| ║ A BBS Oneliner Program For Sysops. ║
| ║ Easy To Setup And Configure. Shows ║
| ║ 15 Lines Of Oneliners And Lets The ║
| ║ Users See Or Add A Oneliner. For ║
| ║ Spitfire v3.5. Keeps A Log Of Users║
| ║ Oneliners & Has Error Logging. Has ║
| ║ Split Screen Chat Mode And Other ║
| ║ Sysop Functions. Also Keeps A Watch║
| ║ On The Size Of The Log File & Has ║
SFPAGE42.ZIP [0] ╓─[ PageIs v4.2 ]─────────────────╖
| ║ Let Your Users Know Whether Or ║
| ║ Not You Are Available For Chat. ║
| ║ For Spitfire v3.5. Easy To Use ║
| ║ And Setup. Has Split Screen Chat║
| ║ And More Sysop Functions. ║
| ╙─────────────[ Wolverine Wares ]─╜
SFPCR110.ZIP [0] SFPCR v1.10 - Introducing Spitfire's 1st
| Post Call Ratio (PCR) Program by John Kaye
| ■ All users start out with 0 calls & msgs
| ■ Supports upto to 6 different securities
| ■ Very Configurable & Reliable.
| ■ Extremely easy to setup with INSTALL!
| A Post Call Ratio is similar to an UL/DL
| ratio except for a Post Call Ratio, you
| have to enter 1 message for every certain
| amount of calls!
SFPHON10.ZIP [0] ╓─[ SFPhone v1.0 ]────────────╖
| ║ Lock Anyone Out Of Your BBS ║
| ║ By Their Phone Number. For ║
| ║ Spitfire v3.5+. Easy To Use ║
| ║ And Setup. Has Split Screen ║
| ║ Chat Mode And Other Sysop ║
| ║ Functions. ║
| ╙─────────[ Wolverine Wares ]─╜
SFPJ13.ZIP [0] v1.3 Spitfire Pre-Jetmail Utility. Frontend
| for Jetmail, that allows File Sends in with
| a .QWK Mail Packet. Perfect addition for
| Hub/Node relations using Jetmail and the
| .QWK format. Can also be used for individual
| users instead of using Jetmail's file-attach
| feature. Send a file to one user, or a
| defined group. Easy setup, with sendit
| utility, etc.
SFQWK1BM.ZIP [0] SF-Quick/BW 1.00m Beta - (08/07/94)
| A QWK and Blue Wave Compatible mail door
| for Spitfire 3.5. Uses it's own internal
| queue or SF's. One key downloading. 784
| conferences. 2nd Public beta. Registration
| only $15.00!
SFROM20.ZIP [0] * SF-ROM 2.00 - The Spitfire CD-ROM Door.
| * UART, FOSSIL, DIGIBOARD. Now includes
| * Internal Protocols. Keeps Own Database,
| * Enforces Limits, MultiDisk, MultiNode
| * File Tagging, Text Search, Offline
| * Requests, ZIP & Text Viewer, Inserts
| * BBS Ads, Supports Pioneer Disk Changers
SFSTAT64.ZIP [0] ╓─[ SFStats v6.4 ]─────────────────╖
| ║ A Spitfire BBS User Information ║
| ║ And System Statistics Program ║
| ║ For SF v3.5. Easy To Use And ║
| ║ Setup. Shows The User His Number ║
| ║ Of Uploads, Downloads, Time ║
| ║ Left, Times Called, Caller ║
| ║ Number, Sysop Availability Etc. ║
| ║ Plus Much, Much More! Has Split ║
| ║ Screen Chat Mode And Other Sysop ║
| Small Compact Program To Cleanup
| And Delete Certain Files Out Of
| Your Spitfire Setup In The Event
| Of A Power Failure Or System Lockup,
| Runs In Your System Batch Files That
| Brings Your System Up! See DOCS For
| More Details.. **FREEWARE**
| Replaces Version 0.2ß!
SFTS261B.ZIP [0] SFToss/Scan Release 2.61b
SPITST22.ZIP [0] SPITSTAT v2.2 Statistical Bulletin
| Generator for SF 3.5, Now Supports up to
| 28.8 Connects.
| ***No longer reads the date from the
| Callers.Log, to allow SPITSTAT to be more
| compatible with frontend mailers, or other
| situations where the date line is not
| written by SF as the first line in the
| Callers.Log.
SPTGRH22.ZIP [0] ╔══════════════════════════════════════════╗
| ║ >>>>> SpitGraph Ver.2.2 <<<<< ║
| ║SpitGraph Is a bar graph display generator║
| ║reads your Spitfire BBS CALLERS.LOG ║
| ║and builds display files from calls ║
| ║received by Number per hour, Number per ║
| ║baud, Number at peak times. It will read ║
| ║all nodes and compile this graph on a ║
| ║total of your BBS systems activity. ║
| ║SpitGraph will build ANSI & ASCII display ║
STATS10.ZIP [0] ───────────[ STATS v1.0 bETA ]─────────────
| Utility to create a BBS door usage statistics
| bulletin. Reports used times, percentage of
| overall use and displays a colorful bar.
| Installation utility included. Fast & simple
| to use. Works on any BBS.
TICSF124.ZIP [0] TicToss for Spitfire, v1.24 *BETA*
TLCUSR.ZIP [0] **********************************
| Fully programmable display screen
| manager! Posts and removes files
| by date and runs as a nightly
| event. Designed for the Spitfire
| BBS, but works with others too!
| **********************************
WASH.ZIP [0] Color Washers Door Game For Spitfire BBS.
| Supports Most Uncommon Serial Ports And IRQ's
| And Baud Rates To 110,000 bps. Excellent
| Graphics And Very Easy To Set Up And Play.
| Share Ware, But Not Crippled. Enjoy!
| Now Logs Caller Off If No Key Press 3 Min.
XTND_184.ZIP [0] =-= SFExtend Version 1.84 =-=
| SpitFire Menu Extension & Door Monitor
| Features:
| ■ Internal/External BBS/CLR/RIP
| ■ SF-Identical Chat
| ■ SF Control Codes & Sysop Keys
| ■ Extended Comment-To-Sysop
| ■ Optional 30 Bulletin Menu
| ■ Unlimited # Of Items
| ■ Time/Node/Baud Door Locking